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Unilogo Uni Bremen Unilogo Fachbereich 1 


Didactics of Physics - Projects

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Chemistry, geography, sustainability

Period: 01.10.2016 - 18.10.2019
Project management: Dr. Christian Zowada
Cooperation: Ozcan Gulacar (University of California, Davis; USA), Leif Mönter (Universität Trier; Deutschland), Vânia Gomes Zuin (Universidade Federal de São Carlos; Brasilien)

This dissertation aims at supporting a meaningful integration of geographical perspectives and contexts into chemistry teaching for strengthening Education for Sustainable Development. In order to elaborate on this framework, theoretical considerations were made, and an interview study was conducted followed by three case studies on fracking, pesticides and phosphate recovery. The inclusion of sustainability-related topics in chemistry education, which seems to be necessary in light of current trends such as the planetary boundaries, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, or the discourse on the Anthropocene, is still rare. For designing and conducting the case studies, socio-scientific issue-oriented approaches were used, which go beyond learning the pure chemical content. For determining the teachers? beliefs on integrating a geographic perspective into chemistry teaching, an exploratory interview study was conducted. The teachers? beliefs towards this perspective are mostly positive but are predominantly limited to a physical-geographical dimension. A common aspect is a more holistic view which could be beneficial for students. Some teachers also named time constraints as an obstacle for integration. The case studies were designed by using participatory action research with a group of experienced teachers in a multi-cyclical procedure and evaluated by questionnaires. The case study on fracking was implemented in Germany using a digital learning environment and was generally positively perceived. In addition, the learning environment was translated into English and tested in the USA in a general chemistry course. The case study on pesticides involves a comparison of glyphosate with green pesticides in order to develop spider charts. The teaching approach is supported by video vignettes of an authentic Brazilian chemist working on alternative pesticides. The feedback, especially on the spider charts, is positive and provides the chance to discuss current topics in the classroom. The case study on phosphate recovery in Germany includes lab activities for which current recovery processes were adapted and a digital learning environment was created. The feedback on the experiments, the learning environment and the links between these aspects were positive. Subsequently, the learning environment was translated into English analogous to the Fracking case study and used in the USA. Feedback from students on both case studies in the US is positive, but some students question their usefulness due to lack of connection to a test. The studies in the USA were designed through an action research-oriented approach, which is presented and explained by using a specially developed model. Finally, this work demonstrates the potential of the orientation of chemistry towards a more societal perspective in order to arouse greater interest and possibly show in which areas chemistry impacts daily life. Although the subject of geography was used here, it can generally be said that thinking out of the box


Article in books
Gulacar, Ozcan; Zowada, Christian; Eilks, Ingo: Bringing chemistry learning back to life and society. In: I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle (eds.): Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future, Aachen: Shaker (2018), 49-60
Article in journals
Zowada, Christian; Frerichs, Nadja; Zuin, Vania; Eilks, Ingo: Developing a lesson plan on conventional and green pesticides in chemistry education - A project of participatory action research. In: Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21 (2020), 141-153
Zowada, Christian; Moenter, Leif. O.; Eilks, Ingo: Über das Verhältnis des naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts zu Geographie und Nachhaltigkeit. In: Transfer Forschung Schule, 5 (2019), 116-128
Zowada, Christian; Mönter, Leif O., Eilks, Ingo: Geographische Perspektiven in den Naturwissenschaften?. In: MNU Journal, 2019/4 (2019), 329-334
Zowada, Christian; Zuin, Vania Gomes; Frerichs, Nadja; Eilks, Ingo: Glyphosat und grüne Pestizide - Nachhaltige Chemie und Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung im Chemieunterricht . In: Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie, 30(172) (2019), 38-43
Zowada, Christian; Gulacar, Ozcan; Siol, Antje; Eilks, Ingo: Phosphorus - From the Sustainable Development Goals Towards Transformative Non-Formal and Formal Education. In: Daruna, 47 (2019), 29-37
Zowada, Christian; Eilks, Ingo : Fracking: Pro und Contra? Gesellschaftlich relevante Themen multimedial erkunden. In: RAABits Naturwissenschaften 28 (2018), 1-23
Zowada, Christian, Gulacar, Ozcan; Eilks, Ingo: Innovating undergraduate general chemistry by integrating sustainability-related socio-scientific issues. In: Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 1(2) (2018), 3-8

Last change: 18.4.2023