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PROFILES - Professional Reflection-oriented Focus on Inquiry-learning and Education through Science (sub-project Bremen

Period: 01.12.2010 - 30.05.2015
Project management: Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks ,  Prof. Dr. Silvija Markic
Financing: EU FP7
Cooperation: Gesamtprojektleitung PROFILES Prof. Claus Bolte (FU Berlin) und weitere 20 Partner aus 19 Ländern; Dr. D. Ostersehlt (Uni Bremen - IDN Biologiedidaktik); Senatorin für Bildung und Wissenschaft Bremen
Members: Dr. Nadja Belova , Dr. Moritz Krause , Dr. Marc Stuckey

PROFILES involves the development of teachers on four fronts (teacher as learner, teacher as effective teacher, teacher as reflective practitioner, teacher as leader) consolidating their ownership of society-led, IBSE approaches and incorporating use-inspired research, evaluative methods and stakeholder networking. The project disseminates its innovation with trained lead teachers spearheading further teacher development at pre- and in-service levels and initiating a series of workshops for key stakeholders nationwide. The project focuses on ?open inquiry approaches? as a major teaching target and pays much attention to both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of students in the learning of science. The intended outcome is school science teaching becoming more meaningful, related to 21st century science and incorporating interdisciplinary socio-scientific issues and IBSE-related teaching, taking particular note of gender factors.


Article in books
Krause, Moritz; Ostersehlt, Dörte; Eilks, Ingo: Collaborative curriculum development of a teaching and learning module on bionics based on innovative ICT technology . In: N. L. Yates (ed.), New developments in science education research, Hauppauge: Nova (2015), 51-64
Belova, Nadja; Eilks, Ingo: Learning with and about advertising in science education. In: C. Bolte & F. Rauch (Eds.), Enhancing inquiry-based science education and teachers? continuous professional development in Europe: Insights and reflections on the PROFILES project and other projects funded by the European Commission , Berlin: FU Berlin (2014), 73-76
Stuckey, Marc; Haverkamp, Martin; Kienast, Atephan; Knoop, Ute; Most, Most; Schultheis, Herbert; Willeke, Ulrike; Witteck, Torsten; Wlotzka, Petra; Eilks, Ingo: Science teaching that goes under your skin: A PROFILES-module on Tattooing . In: C. Bolte & F. Rauch (Eds.), Enhancing inquiry-based science education and teachers? continuous professional development in Europe: Insights and reflections on the PROFILES project and other projects funded by the European Commission , Berlin: FU Berlin (2014), 139-142
Dittmar, Johanna; Ostersehlt, Dörte; Eilks, Ingo; Katchevich, Dvora; Yayon, Malka; Fortus, David; Peleg, Ran; Hofstein, Avi; Mamlok-Naaman, Rachel : TEMI - Teaching Enquiry with Mysteries Incorporated . In: C. Bolte & F. Rauch (Eds.), Enhancing inquiry-based science education and teachers? continuous professional development in Europe: Insights and reflections on the PROFILES project and other projects funded by the European Commission, Berlin: FU Berlin (2014), 271-274
Krause, Moritz; Ostersehlt, Dörte; Meile, Judith; Griemsmann, Lea; Mehrwald, Torsten; Runden, Hans-Jürgen; Heering, Uwe; Mroske, Steffi; Eilks, Ingo : Using PREZI-technology to promote inquiry learning on bionics: Two further modules. In: C. Bolte & F. Rauch (Eds.), Enhancing inquiry-based science education and teachers? continuous professional development in Europe: Insights and reflections on the PROFILES project and other projects funded by the European Commission, Berlin: FU Berlin (2014), 220-223
Krause, Moritz; Ostersehlt, Dörte; Mehrwald, Torsten; Runden, Hans-Jürgen; Mroske, Steffi; Eilks, Ingo : Using PREZI-Technology to promote inquiry-based learning on "bionics". In: In C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, R. Mamlok-Naaman & F. Rauch (eds), Science teachers' continuous professional development in Europe, Cases from the PROFILES Project, Berlin: FU Berlin. (2014), 149-158
Schindler, Darius; Markic, Silvija; Hauk, Carola; Jäschke-Behrendt, Evelyn; Wilkes, Marina; Stuckey, Marc; Eilks, Ingo: What should I do with my old cell phone? - A Case of Collaborative Curriculum Development in PROFILES-Bremen . In: In C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, R. Mamlok-Naaman & F. Rauch (eds), Science teachers' continuous professional development in Europe, Cases from the PROFILES Project, Berlin: FU Berlin. (2014), 103-113
Eilks, Ingo; Mamlok-Naaman, Rachel; Rauch, Franz: Action Research for innovations and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in science education. In: C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, F. Rauch (eds.), Inquiry-based science education in Europe: Reflections from the PROFILES project, Berlin: FU Berlin (2012), 207-212
Stuckey, Marc; Belova, Nadja; Hüneburg, Juliane; Duske, Christian; Sichtling, Madlen; Neudorf, Bernd; Dahm, Martina; Ozan, Nuran; Kelm, Antje; Ostersehlt, Dörte : Clothes - the Second Skin. Cosmetics: Between hope and effect . In: C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, F. Rauch (eds.), Inquiry-based science education in Europe: Reflections from the PROFILES project, Berlin: FU Berlin (2012), 166-168
Krause, Moritz; Berger, Rolf; Blaszk, Christoph; Janke, Katharina; Kastenbein, Rene; Eilks, Ingo: Energy around the house - A lesson plan for early secondary science education with a focus on contemporary energy use . In: C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, F. Rauch (eds.), Inquiry-based science education in Europe: Reflections from the PROFILES project, Berlin: FU Berlin (2012), 169-171
Schindler, Darius; Markic, Silvija; Hauk, Carola; Jäschke-Behrendt, Evelyn; Wilkes, Marina: The tresure in my drawer - What to do with my old cell phone?. In: C. Bolte, J. Holbrook, F. Rauch (eds.), Inquiry-based science education in Europe: Reflections from the PROFILES project, Berlin: FU Berlin (2012), 172-174
Article in journals
Meile, Judith; Krause, Moritz; Ostersehlt, Dörte; Eilks, Ingo: Haften ohne zu kleben - der Gecko als Vorbild für bionische Produkte. In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Biologie in der Schule, 65 (2) (2016), 31-36
Krause, Moritz; Ostersehlt, Dörte; Tanja Engelke; Eilks, Ingo: Den Selbstreinigungseffekt von Pflanzen entdecken. Eine multimediale Lernumgebung mit Elementen des forschenden Lernens . In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Biologie in der Schule. 64(8) (2015), 23-25
Griemsmann, Lea; Krause, Moritz; Ostersehlt, Dörte; Eilks, Ingo: Die Faszination Fliegens: Vom Vogel zum Flugzeug. Eine multimediale Lernumgebung zur Bionik. . In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Biologie in der Schule. 64(8) (2015), 26-29
Krause, Moritz; Kastenbein, Rene; Berger, Rolf; Blaszk, Christoph; Janke, Katharina; Eilks, Ingo: Energie der Sonne sammeln - Unterrichtsentwicklung für einen differenzierenden NW-Anfangsunterricht in PROFILES-Bremen . In: Der Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht, 67 (2014), 337-341
Stuckey, Marc; Lippel, Marianne; Eilks, Ingo: Teaching chemistry about Stevia - A case of cooperative curriculum innovation within PROFILES in Germany. In: Centre for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 4(1) (2014), 69-83 Link
Article in proceedings
Krause, Moritz, Heering, Uwe; Mehrwald, Torsten; Mroske, Sreffi; Runden, Hans-Jürgen, Eilks, Ingo; Ostersehlt, Dörte: Natur inspiriert - Bionik: Ein Beispiel aus dem Projekt PROFILES-Bremen. In: S. Bernholt (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung zwischen Science und Fachunterricht, Münster: Lit (2014), 354-356 Link
Ostersehlt, D., Krause, M. & Eilks, I.: Natur inspiriert - Bionik: Beispiel aus dem Projekt PROFILES-Bremen. In: J. Mayer, M. Hammann, N. Wellnitz, J. Arnold & M. Werner (Hrsg.), Theorie, Empirie, Praxis. 19. Internationale Tagung der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie (FDdB) im VBIO, Kassel: Universität Kassel (2013), 254-255 Link

Last change: 18.4.2023