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Projekte des IDN - Abt. Chemiedidaktik

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Promotion X. Chen: Chemieunterricht China

Chemieschulbücher in China und anderen chinesischen Gesellschaften

Zeitraum: 01.01 2016 - 01.07 2019
Leitung: Dr. Xiaoge Chen
Finanzierung: China Scholarship Council


Chen, Xiaoge; Eilks, Ingo: Transformation of chemistry education in the People's Republic of China - A view on the chemistry education standards. In: I. Eilks, S. Markic & B. Ralle (eds.): Building bridges across disciplines for transformative education and a sustainable future, Aachen: Shaker (2018), 295-300
Chen, Xiaoge; Chiu, Mei-Hung; Eilks, Ingo: An analysis of the orientation and emphasis of intended grade-10 chemistry curricula as represented in textbooks from different Chinese communities. In: Eurasia Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 15(2), em1663 (2019)
Chen, Xiaoge; Eilks, Ingo: An analysis of the representation of practical work in secondary chemistry textbooks from different Chinese communities. In: Science Education International, 30 (4) (2019), 352-363
Chen, Xiaoge; de Goes, Luciane F.; Treagust, David F.; Eilks, Ingo: An analysis of the visual representation of redox reactions in secondary chemistry textbooks from different Chinese communities. In: Education Sciences, 9, 42 (2019), 1-16

Letzte Änderung: 18.4.2023 | Admin